Online Survey, Research, Survey Bias

Different Types of Survey Bias and How to Avoid Them

Researchers using surveys to gather data have their work cut out for them. Not only do they have to determine whether to conduct surveys in person, by phone or...

Security, Survey Examples

How to Prevent Cheating on Your Surveys + Best Practices and Examples

So you’ve sent out a survey and now you’ve collected participant responses. Time to start analyzing and reporting on your data, right? Not so fast! It’s best to take...

Embedding in Surveys, Mobile

How to Embed a Survey Inside an Email Invitation

Making a survey to send to thousands of email addresses may sound easy. But the main struggle with surveys always is: “Will people bother to click on the survey...

Features, Picture

Feel your legendary powers with Kiosk Mode, Faster Analytics, Spam-bot protection, more customizability, and design improvements

Our legendary ?s! We have been ?ing hard, to give you new features and improvements. This is a brief list of most important highlights that we have released, since...

GDPR, Security, Survey Examples

How to Write GDPR-proof Privacy Policy for your Surveys (with examples)

Create your GDPR Compliant survey, form, or poll now! As we explained in this article about GDPR-compliant surveys, an important part of having a GDPR-compliant survey is having a...

Company News

Add links to pictures, restore your removed surveys, disqualify respondents, and enjoy more styling power & using a better app

Our legendary friends! We have been working hard, just like always; and published a lot of improvements in our app. Here is a list of most important highlights that...