Online Survey, Types of Surveys

How To Use An Exit Intent Survey + Pros & Cons

“Hey, where you going?” In a nutshell, that’s the gist of an exit intent survey. These online surveys are designed to capture feedback from website visitors who are about...

Online Survey, Types of Surveys

7 Reasons To Use A Cancellation Survey & Questions To Ask

No company likes to see a customer leave. For one, it’s been drilled into all of us that it costs a lot more to acquire a new customer than...

Employee Surveys, Online Survey, Types of Surveys

Understanding Feedback Culture & Creating Feedback Surveys

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”  – Bill Gates As this quote shows us, not only was Gates a tech whiz, he...

Online Survey, Security

10 Ways To Battle Survey Bots (And Why They Attack)

A bot, short for “robot” of course, is a software app that’s programmed to perform automated tasks online. They go to work on their own, toiling away at repetitive...

Holiday, Online Survey, Picture Survey

7 Summertime Survey Considerations With Examples

Ah, summertime, that hot but happy season when the sun stretches its rays like a lazy dog waking from a nap. Vacations are planned, the kids are tasting freedom...

Features, Online Survey, Research, Sampling

5 Reasons To Avoid Cutting Corners When Creating Surveys

Taking a shortcut is all about finding more efficient or faster ways of doing something without sacrificing quality or integrity. On the other hand, cutting corners means skipping steps...