Businesses both big and small often rely on surveys to gather information from customers, non-customers, and employees. Many business surveys have different goals; for example, one survey may ask...
Is a picture really worth 1,000 words? Try 60,000 of them! Studies show that humans process visuals that many times faster than text. In fact, it takes just 13...
Nearly 50% of American workers say they are very satisfied with their current job, and another 30% are somewhat satisfied. The remainder report being either somewhat dissatisfied or very...
Researchers and marketers collecting data through surveys typically break down their results into two different categories: quantitative data and qualitative data. So what is the difference between each form...
How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague? You’ve certainly seen that question before on a survey. It’s a prime example of an NPS question....
Generation Z seems to elude a lot of marketers and researchers. For a while, this group was lumped in with Millennials, as they were all seen as young adults....