Can you believe that there are nearly 7,000 languages in the world? So, it’s no surprise that almost 95% of the world’s population does not speak English as their...
Getting to know your customers is critical for any business. By understanding them, you’re more likely to keep them! Of course, getting their business is the first step. There...
A lot of thought needs to go into the creation of any survey. This way, you’re more likely to get the most accurate results and the best response rates...
Are you in retail, healthcare, education, psychology, or marketing? Looking for a fast way to collect a large amount of data? Then you may want to consider a cross-sectional...
Have you ever created a survey with questions designed to subtly nudge a recipient in one direction or another? Or, have you ever taken a survey and felt boxed...
Are you the type of person who works better with a bit of freedom and the ability to “shoot from the hip”? Or do you like things done in...