Survey Templates for Nonprofit Organizations

Heroes Who Fight For Free
Nonprofit organizations are the true heroes of our time, as such they need to know how their cause is thriving. How did the last weeks auction for fund-raising go? How well was the yearly clean the park organised? What made a donor contribute with their money? What made a volunteer sign up for the cause? These are only some of the questions great NGOs ask themselves.
A nonprofit organization cannot exist without their volunteers, the real heroes behind the nonprofit organization. Finding these legendary heroes is not easy. According to a study conducted year 2013 in the USA states, the number of volunteers is declining, making it even harder to find them. By conducting nonprofit organization surveys and volunteer satisfaction surveys you get a better picture of your organization and your heroes. Knowing why a volunteer signed up and what their strengths are, helps you as a non-profit organisation to hand out tasks empowering the volunteer.
Communicating with the donors is vital and creating an online survey using SurveyLegend is simple and quick. So start communicating with the help of our amazing surveys and stay a hero for ever.
A legendary thanks from us at SurveyLegend to all nonprofit organization, your work makes a difference and we are proud to be able to help you further in your noble quest.
Discounted pricing for Nonprofit Organizations & NGOs
Did you know that we offer special pricing for nonprofit organizations? Enjoy up to 35% discount with our special pricing for your organization!