Data Types, Online Survey, Research, Survey Questions, Types of Surveys

Are Surveys Quantitative or Qualitative?

Researchers and marketers collecting data through surveys typically break down their results into two different categories: quantitative data and qualitative data. So what is the difference between each form...

Online Survey, Picture Survey, Research

12 Things to Consider on Gen Z Surveys

Generation Z seems to elude a lot of marketers and researchers. For a while, this group was lumped in with Millennials, as they were all seen as young adults....

Research, Survey Examples

What is Research Design? (Plus 12 Key Elements for Survey Research)

A lot of thought needs to go into the creation of any survey. This way, you’re more likely to get the most accurate results and the best response rates...

Data Types, Online Survey, Research, Survey Examples

What is a Cross-Sectional Survey and Why Should I Use One?

Are you in retail, healthcare, education, psychology, or marketing? Looking for a fast way to collect a large amount of data? Then you may want to consider a cross-sectional...

Online Survey, Research, Survey Questions

24 Questions to Ask Buyers or Sellers on Real Estate Surveys

As a Realtor, you don’t get paid for showing properties or simply creating a listing. So, you want to make this part of your job as quick and easy...

Online Survey, Research, Sampling

What is Cluster Sampling? Pros, Cons, and Examples

Need to survey a large segment of the population but short on time and money? Enter cluster sampling, the time- and cost-effective way to gather data across a geographical...