Company News

Add links to pictures, restore your removed surveys, disqualify respondents, and enjoy more styling power & using a better app

Our legendary friends! We have been working hard, just like always; and published a lot of improvements in our app. Here is a list of most important highlights that...

Animation, Features, Forms, Polls, Survey Examples

Add Animated GIFs to Surveys, Forms and Polls

Create surveys, forms, or polls using animated GIFs now!   The story of animated GIF images Graphics Interchange Format better known as GIF was developed by a team at...

Features, Forms, Polls, Survey Examples, Video

Video-based Survey, Form and Poll Made Easy

  Create your video-based survey, form or poll now   Why create a video-based survey? Every now and then you need to ask a question but using text and...

Embedding in Surveys, Features

Enjoy the power of Logic & Branching, Get Embed Codes in a Second, and Design Your Surveys Like a Professional Designer

Hi friends! This is our biggest update ever! Even if it doesn’t look like that. But we’ve been putting our souls, our days, and our nights, to bring you...

Embedding in Surveys, Features, QR Code

New touch screen device simulators better embedded surveys UX/UI improvements

Ladies and gentlemen. We’re so happy to let you know that a new version of our survey creation tool is live! What’s visible is that we have improved some...


Get feedback

  Create your free survey, form or poll now   Get feedback to learn and grow Getting feedback can sometimes be experienced as ‘stressful’ or ‘irritating’. This is why...