Convert survey field typesConvert “Field” or “Question” types

SurveyLegend is so smartly designed that you can easily convert a survey field into another type with just a simple click. When you convert survey fields, SurveyLegend transfers all the contents of the selected field (question and choices or answers), to the new field type you choose.

For instance, if you make a single selection question with many choices, and decide that your question would work better as a dropdown list, you can easily change the field type while you are in edit mode, and your question will be automatically converted to a dropdown list, without losing any of your choices. Even if you change a survey field with choices (ex. multiple selection), to a field without choices (ex. text box) and again convert your survey field to a sort with choices, the system will still remember the content that you had written for your choices. So, all your time and effort will not be in vain, if you change your mind.

However, some of the fields, which are not designed to gather data cannot be converted to other fields, because it does not make sense. For example, Welcome page, Thank you page, and Branding, cannot be converted to anything else. In addition, Page break and Section break can only be converted to each other, and not to a data collecting survey field.

Converting field type is available in:

Survey Field: Text boxText box • Survey Field: Number boxNumber box • Survey Field: Text CommentComment box • Survey Field: Multiple text boxesMultiple text boxes • Survey Field: Single selectionSingle selection • Survey Field: Multiple selectionMultiple selection • Survey Field: Rating - starsRating: stars • Survey Field: Rating - slidersRating: slider • Survey Field: Rating - TernaryRating: ternary • Survey Field: Rating - binaryRating: binary • Survey Field: drop down listDropdown list • Survey Field: page breakPage break • Survey Field: EmailSmart field: Email • Survey Field: NameSmart field: Name • Survey Field: page breakPage break • Survey Field: section breakPage break

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